Our company is a responsible forest user, the activities of the company are completely legal and transparent.
The company is engaged in logging, production of lumber, planed moldings and finished parts for the furniture industry.
Full cycle from procurement to the final product.
Wholesale deliveries of export-quality lumber from freshly harvested timber throughout the year throughout Russia and the CIS, Europe.
We care about the quality of products, based on the standards of Russian GOST and European DIN.
In order to make our production waste-free, the remaining wood is processed into pellets or sold in the form of wood chips.
10 years of successful work:
updating the product range
mastering new technologies and markets
We use Pilana, Walter circular saws for longitudinal sawing of hard and soft wood. This allows us to create a geometrically perfect in shape wood saw cut of the required size. Disk machines are more productive than tape equipment, they allow you to quickly and accurately perform large volumes in a short time.
Due to the geographical features of our production, our company is provided with access to raw materials for a long period, which allows us to deliver finished products every month.
Due to the use of high-tech equipment in the production, our products comply with GOST 8486-86, 2600-83 and customer requirements.